
Most people don’t think twice when they get desperate trying to get rid of fleas. In some cases, by using the wrong medicine, you could kill your beloved pet. Read the label before using the product. Some products that are made for dogs are toxic to cats!

There have been several cases where cats have died when owners forgot to read the labels and applied over-the-counter flea products, causing seizures. Now that we have read the warning, here are some medication that has proven to work very well.

First we will look at liquid medication

– Advantage

Advantage come in liquid form for you to apply it to the skin of your cat or dog. Slowly of  a period of 12-24 hours, it is absorbed into the skin of your pet. The great thing is that it will kill fleas in all stages of their life cycle except when the fleas are in larval form. Advantage can kill anything from 98 up to 100% of fleas within 12 hours of application which is an almost immediate effect. Definitely something to keep to provide  relieve to you and your pet.

Due to the fact that Advantage is absorbed into the skin, it means you don’t need to reapply when your pet gets wet either from rain or when you decide to give it a bath.

– Frontline Plus

Frontline Plus is an alternative to Advantage. It is also a liquid medication that is applied to the skin of your pet. Frontline Plus is has the added advantage because of its ability to repel ticks which is great if your pet go outdoors during the hot summer months.

You can read review about both this medication here


Unless you had fleas invade every corner of you home before, getting rid of fleas is not a top priority for most people. Perhaps knowing this will change your perception. Besides losing a few drops of blood and having a terrible itch, fleas can cause Bartonella. What’s the heck is that? Heard about Cat Scratch Disease? It the same thing.

We are not going to discuss Bartonella, you can look it up else where. A quick take of what are the result to your health if you get Bartonella. If your immune system is up to mark, what you’ll get is painful swelling and fever. Ooch!. If your immune system in low, it gets interesting. Your infection can lead to spleen enlargement, and potentially encephalitis, heart valve infection, and other conditions. This is serious stuff!

I never knew about such thing too until I got fleas in my home and searched everywhere to find a solution. And now that you know, don’t take getting rid of fleas likely.

Getting Rid Of Fleas

Most people have a hard time getting rid of fleas, once they make an un-welcomed visit into your home. Once they are in your home, they can torment you to no end, and these pesky little fellas are pretty hard to get rid of. Here are some tips and tricks that I’ve found that work. By the way, starving them won’t work.

Since fleas can be transported from your pet, to your yard and then to your bedroom, getting rid of fleas is so much more effective if you use a systematic approach. This means combining several methods to treat affected areas. Otherwise they can repopulate areas that you have treated earlier.

Here are some tips to remember :-

  • flea problems are usually worst in summer and early fall. Start your prevention methods by late spring
    • besides the adult fleas (which you can see), flea eggs, larvae and pupae are more difficult to find and eliminate. They can be anywhere.
    • control the exterior areas as well . No matter how much time you spend getting rid of fleas in you home, they will get back in if you haven’t treated your yard and other surrounding areas
      • read the label before using any chemical pest control product. If you have young children or pets in the home, think ahead and reduce the chances of exposure to chemicals
        • fleas can survive between two months to a year between meals. Shutting of a room hoping they will die is not effective.

        I came across Flea & Tick Killer which sells a flea killer that is quite safe. Apparently the ingredients are safe enough to be applied to food crops on the same day the crops are harvested. Well I don’t think I’m going to eat the stuff that kills fleas, but it is safe enough to use at home.

        If you have neighbors who are super sensitive to any suggestions or comments, getting rid of fleas can be a touchy subject. All your efforts in getting rid of fleas can come to nought if your a few fleas from your neighbors pet hop over the yard into your yard and you pet. It is a never ending cycle and since fleas are survivors, getting rid of them is going to be an uphill battle. At one point, we were so desperate, we thought of sneaking onto the neighbors yard at night to spray flea poison. But fear of getting caught in the act stopped us. Fortunately help came.

        A friend suggested this method, we tried it and it worked. At first we tried sulfur. It worked but then having yellow colored powder between you and your neighbors yard seemed like marking out a warzone. And sulfur smells. Since the neighbors were already super sensitive people, and instead of getting them mad, we tried sprinkling cedar chips all over the yard. They look are natural and you can’t really see them. Best of all, no more fleas from my neighbors yard.

        If you have trouble getting rid of fleas coming from the neighbors yard, you might want to try this.

        I learned this while getting rid of fleas in my apartment several years ago. Use finely milled flea powder for thick carpets. Before I learn about this, I follow the instruction on the bottle of flea powder I got from the pet shop. Somehow the powder was not very fine. I thought all flea powder came that way. Only later, I realized that the powder either had moisture in it or was not milled very fine.

        How does this affect your efforts to get rid of fleas? Well, if you carpets are thick and the granules are big, then the flea powder won’t get to the deep recesses of fibers. This means some fleas or the larvae or the egg might survive your onslaught.

        Fine flea powder also have a somewhat makes them cling to the carpet fibers thus they last a bit longer when you vacuum the carpet. Otherwise all your money is going down the vacuum cleaner.

        You can get type of flea powder if you have lots of think carpets in you home. This should ease your efforts for getting rid of fleas.